What is a Desk Appearance Ticket in New York City?

If you were arrested in New York City for a crime like turnstile jumping, simple larceny, or a marijuana offense, you may have been taken to the police station, processed, given a Desk Appearance Ticket and been free to leave. You might have been happy to not have spent the night in jail awaiting an arraignment, but be wondering what a Desk Appearance Ticket is and what to do next.

What is a Desk Appearance Ticket?

A Desk Appearance Ticket (also known as a DAT) is, in the simplest terms, a piece of paper given after an arrest notifying you of the date for your first appearance in Court.

In 2020, new rules concerning Desk Appearance Tickets took effect in New York. Desk Appearance Tickets are now mandatory for many misdemeanor offenses and some felony offenses.

Your Desk Appearance Ticket will have a date (usually 20-30 days in the future) for you to appear at court to face a judge for your arraignment.

Why do police issue Desk Appearance Tickets?

The traditional way arrests are handled is to arrest someone, process them, and hold them in jail until they’re able to face a judge for their arraignment - these jail stays are usually around 24 hours in New York City.

With a Desk Appearance Ticket, you’re still arrested and processed. However, instead of being held in jail until you can face a judge, you’re given the court date on the Desk Appearance Ticket and are allowed to leave the police station once they’re finished processing you.

Are Desk Appearance Tickets serious?

Yes - even if you’re given a Desk Appearance Ticket for an offense instead of being held in jail ahead of an arraignment, the offense is still the same and the charges are still the same.

Sometimes people see the word “ticket” and think that their DAT is akin to a traffic ticket and can be ignored or taken less seriously. However, when you’ve been given a Desk Appearance Ticket, you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor, and in some cases, a felony: it’s imperative to take it seriously and contact a lawyer as soon as possible following your arrest, so they can prepare before your court date.

Do I need a lawyer for a Desk Appearance Ticket in New York City?

The crimes charged under a Desk Appearance Ticket are serious crimes - they’re not a traffic offense like double parking or running a red light. If found guilty of these crimes, you may be facing jail time and other serious consequences. It’s important to protect your rights in court and hire an attorney like The Law Office of Sharon K. Covino to represent you for your case.

Offenses that Desk Appearance Tickets are issued for include:

  • Grand Larceny/petit larceny

  • Assault

  • Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance (drug offenses)

  • Criminal Possession of a Weapon

  • Criminal Possession of Stolen Property

  • Criminal Mischief (property damage)

There are public defenders available in New York City, but there is an “indigency” income threshold to be eligible for representation by a public defender. In addition, public defenders represent many hundreds of cases a year and may not have time to fully review and assess your case in the thorough manner a firm like The Law Office of Sharon K. Covino can.

What does a lawyer do for a Desk Appearance Ticket?

You should contact an attorney as soon as possible after your arrest - court hearings for Desk Appearance Tickets are scheduled pretty soon after the arrest, and you want to give your attorney as much time as possible to prepare your case.

Your attorney will review the charges and explain the potential sentences and punishments with you. They’ll then go over the facts of the case. A good attorney will review your criminal history, as this can have repercussions on the outcome of the case.

Your attorney will represent you in court on the arraignment date and in any matters related to your case. It’s their job to guide to through the criminal justice system and vigorously defend you and your rights.

What is the Desk Appearance like? Is it a trial?

Your first appearance on the date listed on your Desk Appearance won’t be a trial. You and your attorney will enter the courtroom, be presented with the charges against you, and enter your plea of not guilty. The point of this hearing is to enter your case formally into the system - there won’t be a jury, evidence submitted, or sentencing on this date.

How do I find a Desk Appearance Ticket lawyer?

The Law Office of Sharon K. Covino is experienced at Desk Appearance Ticket cases and at exploring all defense options for our clients. We practice in Staten Island, Queens, New Jersey, and New York City. Get in touch with us for a consultation about your case here.

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The Law Office of Sharon K. Covino

Sharon K. Covino is a dedicated and fierce advocate for her clients. A former prosecutor, she founded The Law Office of Sharon K. Covino with the belief that every person deserves zealous and effective legal representation.

Ms. Covino is a seasoned attorney with extensive experience in both the New York City criminal and family court system. She focuses on aggressive defense options for her clients’ cases, while offering them compassionate support during a stressful and difficult time.


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